Instructions for downloading membership certificate cum receipt

1. Check your PPO No. for its correctness.
a) Visit here to see list of all existing members of IEBM.
b) Search by your name.
c) Check your PPO no. and Verify your details, it may be incorrect due to data entry mistake, in that case text your correct PPO No. along with your other details.We will correct it within four working days.
d) If PPO No. is correct proceed to download your certificate of membership cun receipt as given in home page.
e) If PPO No. is correct and any other detail is incorrect,text message or whatsapp  at +91-7678600019  your correct details

2. Download your receipt cum membership if PPO No. is correct.
a) It may happen that you paid the membership fee but receipt not available due to pdf generation process which is going on .Visit the website after a week.